What’s it like to be part of our Trust?
We work for Children and for Schools and we run on the principle of by Schools for Schools listening to the needs of each local school and its leadership in order to create excellent educational provision and success for all.
The Trust works to the values and principles of:
Subsidiarity – the Central Trust performs only those functions which are better undertaken together to improve quality, efficiency and sustainability.
Empowerment – of schools and young people to overcome the disadvantages resulting from background, personal circumstances or characteristics; helping them to become leaders and courageous advocates of justice, fairness and equity.
Autonomy – which is aligned and accountable within a framework of shared understanding and which balances freedom and independence, with unity of purpose.
Resilience – the ability to adapt and recover quickly from challenging situations and see problems as opportunities to build something better.
Community – a focus on people working together for the good of each other, celebrating difference and diversity and seeing the humanity which unites us all.
Honesty – the quality of being open and transparent which enables good listening, fosters mutual trust and supports good decision making.