Schools which belong to a partnership of schools, usually within a Multi-Academy Trust, have been shown to be particularly resilient and agile in their response to the recent pandemic. The need for schools to be part of supportive networks of shared practice is more important than ever as they learn to live with issues of public health and enter a period of vitally needed programmes for education recovery.
The central purpose of our Multi-Academy Trust is to develop strong sustainable and successful schools through a shared focus on educational standards, benchmarking and continual school improvement and to provide high quality services that support schools to focus on what they do best.
SEARCH Education Trust aims to help schools become stronger by working together:
- We enable schools to share expertise in teaching, learning and the curriculum.
- We provide enhanced professional development and career opportunities for staff enabling them to create successful and fulfilling careers and become school leaders of the future.
- We aim to grow to a small but optimal size enabling us to be responsive to the needs of our schools, to deploy staff more flexibly and mitigate against the effects of staff absences or unfilled posts.
- We invest in and provide our schools with a range of services such as HR, Finance, Governance, Operations, Catering and Facilities Management; providing a high quality of support to our family of schools.
At SEARCH Education Trust we believe that by becoming stronger and working together we can ensure the delivery of high quality of teaching and learning – that will inspire young people to aim for and become their very best.